1) Improvement of public information, promotion of Europeen standards and values and their incorporation in the sphere of public information.

2) Development of public services dealing with informational, educational and business contents in Serbian and in languages of national minorities, for general benefits of all the citizens of the Republic of Serbia;

3) Promoting and incorporating European standards and values in electronic media practice, in the area of free access to information;

4) Promotion of cultural heritage (archaeological, immobile and non-material) and contemporary cultural creation;

5) Promotion and popularization of art and cultural-artistic international exchange of cultural atachés and artistic creators;

6) Tourism education of young people, education in creating project documentation and work in electronic media;

7) Promotion of receptive and ethnic tourism and old trades as well as contribution to gastronomy and oenology development, being an integral part of a tourist product;

8) Promotion and education in the field of agriculture, new electronic services development in the field of agriculture;

9) Development and popularization of ecological awareness through educational processes and media promotion of importance of environment protection and preservation;

10) Education in the field of health care, primarily popularization of health preventive;

11) Contribution in the field of social protection and in employing through empowering marginalized social groups;

12) Contribution in the field of gender equality development, primarily through education and popularization of re-qualification and self-employment of women;

13) Education in the field of energy and energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energy sources;

14) Promotion of internet as a media of public information and of interest and importance for the future progress of the society;

15) Development of technology and its positive influence on every day life, development of an individual and the society as well as preservation of the environment;

16) Digital, technological and media literacy as a part of general culture and necessary personal skills of all citizens, and its equal treatment with other areas of education;

17) Collaboration development of the association and all its members with institutions, economy groups and other expert associations, according to laws in the country and abroad;